DMOCH Collection, Isebekstr. 14, 22769 Hamburg, Tel.: 040-85 72 41, Fax: , 040-85 72 41 E-Mail:, Verkauf von Lederbekleidung, Pelzbekleidung, Lammfellbekleidung, Silk and for turnings, Lammfellmode, Ledermode, Pelz Leder Lammfell, Bernd Dmoch, Pelzschloss Dmoch Modeangebot Mode Pelzmode Textilmode, Maßanfertingungen Fuchs Fellbekleidung Persianer Nerz Andre Dmoch Samtwiesel Samtnerz Lederverarbeitung Silke Dmoch, Zobel, Lammfelljacke, Lammfellmantel, Lederjacke, Leder, Ledermantel,Pelzverarbeitung Altona Bahrenfeld Lammfellverarbeitung Lammfellaccessoires

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Silk and fur turnings
Reversible fabrics and textiles containing excellent fur in many varieties and additional you can turn and reverse it and you will see it remains
beautiful and light as a feather. That means everyday occurrences and triviality such as luxury combined into one clothing article.

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deutsch english ру́сский DMOCH Collection | Isebekstr. 14 | 22769 Hamburg | Tel.: +49(0)40-85 72 41 | E-Mail:  HomeImprintE-Mail